Ongoing Investments in Research and Development
Every year we invest 20% of our resources in Research and Development activities acquiring and consolidating the necessary skills needed to master the technological development and to provide innovative solutions thus creating value for our Customers.
TecnEl Lab
Innovative solutions and services are due to an ongoing investment in research and development.
The main aim of our Laboratory is to respond to the technological demands of the market, combining innovation with reliability, key factors for our Customers to be competitive.
A team of highly qualified technicians works closely with several universities, research entities and technology partners: a synergetic and proactive cooperation which has led, in the last years, to the implementation of several high-tech research projects.
Research outcomes
Focus On
Accessicur Project: Research and development of an innovative integrated industrial automation system with high accessibility and high degree of security.
Automation systems are more and more “complex”, “integrated” within IT architecture, “open” to a growing number of operators and professionals who interact with it “on site” and “in remote”; for these reasons nowadays they have an increasing impact in terms of security and confidentiality of data.
The Project “Accessicur” , achieved thanks to a grant from the Regione Veneto, has been developed in 2014-2016 period and has aimed to analyze, design a set of models, procedures, instruments and technologies (used and tested in a first prototype implementation) for defining and formalizing a methodology in order to satisfy the “security requirements” in Automation System Design and Development.
Research Topics and Results are described in the article “Progettare Sicurezza – Un Caso Aziendale” published on “Safety & Security” Magazine – number 81 – July-August 2016 paper format and available in “Articles Section” of Safety & Security Magazine Portal: “Progettare Sicurezza – Un Caso Aziendale”.
Now the prototype are being validated and evolved in order to be integrated as “Security Module” in “Tecnica Elettronica Product Platforms” (Feed&Mill Platform; PowerG Platform; Process & Factory Platform) for the different sectors.
Some of our Research Projects
- Tecnel Platform Second Generation: Products and Services Development.
- New “Production Process Coordination Models” for the development of innovative functionalities for “automated processes planning and control”.
- Stakeholder Information System : remote maintenance management system review based on latest measuring and communication technologies.
- Global Marketing. A SME case study.
- Research and development of an innovative integrated industrial automation system with high accessibility and high degree of security.
- Key Performance Indicators. A SME case study.
- Study, design and testing for the development of a new software platform for controlling of processes equipped with different types of PLC. [Lasted 2 years]
- Analysis, study and design of new methodologies, processes and technological solutions for the automated control of an innovative production process of aquaculture feeds involving PAP’S (Processed Animal Proteins).
- Analysis and Concept for the development of a monitoring and efficiency-drive energy costs system for industrial plants.
- Development of an integrated platform for the milling-animal feed sector.
- Prototype preparation system of nutraceuticals liquid for the zootechnical feed, based on suspension, nanodispersion and emulsion techniques.
- Integrated prototype software system for tracking automation and control in the production of fish feeds with data acquisition from field devices.
- Prototype software system for the integrated automation of the production of feed and nucleic supplements in one single plant. [Lasted 2 years]
- Middleware for encapsulating ongoing processes within a batch system. [Lasted 2 years]
- Virtualisation technologies for high fault tolerance automation systems. [Lasted 3 years]
- Primitive and protocols for Graphic User Interface systems integration with batch ones. [Lasted 3 years]
- Industrial burners Safe Control on Safety Integrated platform. [Lasted 3 years]
- Methods for the management of services within the Safety Service technologies. [Lasted 3 years]
- Communication protocol PC Based Controller -Open Profinet for the development of the Hybrid Controller. [Lasted 2 years]
- Proposed procedures and methods in IEC for design and development of “Process Safety and Functional Integrated” automation systems.
- Development of an IEEE 802 11 interface with remote device.
- Programmable Logic Controllers in Security applications. [Lasted 2 years]
- “Process Safety and Functional Integrated” for BPCS system integrated with SIS IEC 61508. [lasted 3 years]
- Design of Automation Object Model industrial systems.
- Middleware for control systems integration with management ones. [lasted 3 years]
- Analysis and development of platforms distributed for the control of agri-food process.
- Development methods of “motion control” applications on Siemens Simovert Master Drive MC platform.
- Acquisition and elaboration images on Micro Imagechecker Nais platform.
- Modelling and Analysis through Petri nets of production processes with MES functionality.
- Batch processes: models and control of industrial systems.